Sunday, December 28, 2014


My favorite snapshot of Christmas so far….

Christmas morning.
waiting to come downstairs...


Thursday, December 11, 2014


Mental lists weigh me down.

So today, when I had an hour and a half of limbo

An hour and a half when I was forced to stay in a specific vicinity that just happens to be the home of 

Costco, DSW, and a myriad of other stores, I knocked out a serious amount of my "to-do's".

It was an awesomely productive day.

Boots returned.
BIL Christmas gift purchased.
The perfect gift for Brad. Done.
Check dropped off.
Cards picked up.
Gifts for precious, sweet, wonderful, life-saving teachers, chosen and wrapped.

Like I said, p.r.o.d.u.c.t.i.v.e.

All while my favorite son was at a Beta club sponsored study session for finals.

Sweet E was my side kick. 
She is such a trooper and thank God, has a bladder the size of Texas. 
I have an extra-ordinary aversion to public bathrooms. ~bleck~

 Favorite line from the day:
"Mommy, is this our last stop? And then we can go home and get cozy rosy?"
~a girl after my own heart.~

I hope you are squeezing the juice out of every minute this Christmas season. 
Every party.
Every silent night.
Every ordinary evening home, eating dinner or watching The Grinch.
Every hour you are able to care for your baby with the flu.
Every light looking trip.
Take time to celebrate the Gift.
Remember the sacrifice.
He sent  his Son to the earth
To live, serve, die, and save
and me.
He is worthy of your love.

"Let earth receive her king!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing.
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love"


Thursday, December 4, 2014


When he comes home, after operating all day
that was preceded by a day of clinic/operating until 9pm
that was preceded by an 11 hour day….
and he's exhausted mentally and physically and just wants to just come home and veg…
he finds me quitting
throwing in the towel 
because I am on empty
there is nothing even in my reserve tank 
All I have is the big fat EMPTY
I am d.o.n.e.
He quietly grabs the 7th grade science book from hell and calmly marches to the school room to help the son with genetics.
His "no quit" puts me to shame.
He swoops in to scoop me up when I can't go another inch.
His motto of "Nobody will out work me"
is 100% spot on.
He doesn't quit
even when I do
even when he wants to
even when he has a right to
he just keeps going
and I reap the benefits
So, Bradford, from your "weaker vessel"
thank you.


Friday, November 28, 2014


Thanksgiving weekend.

Whenever I am fortunate enough to have an easy holiday,
one that "goes off without a hitch"
I always, always, always think of the people 
who have a less than picturesque
Thanksgiving or Christmas 
or whatever the day may be.

I think about the people with the flu...
The ones who have recently lost a loved one...
The sweet grey haired man or woman spending their day alone...
The parents who's kids don't bother coming home...
The soldiers over seas, living in barracks, lucky if able 
to face time loved ones.

I remember the Thanksgiving that we spent sick. All sick.
Avery was a new born baby.
Reese was 2, Jake was 4.
We had flown home from Kansas, excited to spend a treasured few days with family.
Sparing you from the details, 
we "enjoyed" about four nights taking turns
coming down with viral digestion woes. (if you get my drift)
But months later, MANY months later,
We were able to laugh about it.
To this day, it is still,
"Remember THAT Thanksgiving?!!"….

I'm not guaranteed that every day will be a happy day.
I am, however, guaranteed that He promises grace for the 
difficulties I am sure to face.
I am encouraged to
"Take no thought for tomorrow…"
And that,
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace 
who's mind is stayed on Thee…"

With that in mind,
I purpose to enjoy every minute,
to strive to really live in the moment, and
to not get stuck fixating on the past or the future.

This year was wonderful.
Full of family
Good WoNdeRfUL food
A little shopping
6 beds, one sofa, and two pallets were full for two nights 
People were everywhere
Cold weather and cozy fires
Night time snuggles with a four year old with an ear ache.
I missed my brother and one sister not being here but all the grandkids were together.
What an undeserved gift it was.


Monday, November 24, 2014


Had the privilege of going on an almost all day shopping excursion with some sweet gals today. 
My one friend picked me up and gracefully endured my incessant chatter that started before we were even out of my driveway.

I apologetically told her that apparently I hadn't reached my adult conversation quota for the last couple days…..well make that the last few weeks…. and I thanked her for listening so kindly. 
She heard my school woes, my anxiety about one kid who doesn't talk enough, and one who talks entirely too much, and a host of other things. 

Good friends who catch verbal vomit are priceless.

I got back home, promptly changed into my pajamas and got the recap of the day with the babysitter.
Come to find out, J and A went AT IT. 
Even enough to make my four year old notice. That's bad.
I decided the time has come to plan daily "team building" to encourage good sibling relationships between these two. They were sent outside alone, together to play for a half an hour and they also get the privilege of sleeping in the same room for two nights with a half an hour of interaction before bedtime that does not include electronics. (they just came downstairs with a lego creation they had built and said, "I think this is working")

It's a good plan, I think. 

Reminds me of the old Haley Mills movie The Parent Trap where the girls are at camp and the director forces them to share a cabin after the fighting was out of control. 

We've embraced Thanksgiving break to the fullest and we are only one day in. 
Put up two big trees and four little kid trees.
Watched Home Alone and The Grinch. 
Christmas cards ordered.
 Spent 7 hours picking up and placing out of place stuff. 
(what is UP with that?!!…the mess, I mean. man.)
Costco AND Publix run complete.
Looking forward to family coming in town Wednesday.

Lights, lights, and more lights,
tacky, sentimental ornaments,
broccoli casserole and cheese apples,
Bing Crosby, 
Holiday Inn,
The sweetest preschool Thanksgiving program 
you have EVER seen,
cozy, slower paced nights with family,
are some things that make my temporal Thanksgiving and Christmas SO much fun. 

Peace that passes all understanding,
A Savior who came to this earth, if only JUST for me,
Promise of eternal life, 
Grace extended when my plans don't go as planned,
The promise that God comforts the oppressed,
A friend who texts me at 5:45 in the morning to see if I'm up, spending a little time in God's Word and prayer……sweet accountability to do the things 
that keep me in the right frame of mind,
A celebration of a Holy Night 
that is not limited to a square on a calendar,
are the things that make my inner man so full of joy, 
my heart could burst.

~happy Thanksgiving
      ~happy no school
             ~happy start of Christmas
                     ~to all of you.

p.s. refuse to get stuck in the regret of yesterday
or the fear of tomorrow. be in the present. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


It's been a good day at the hacienda.
Jake (aka WE) completed 25 notecards on John Wycliffe. 
It's his 7th grade research paper and I am quite proud of the fact that it's only 6:40 and we got all 25 done.
Only 25 more to go…..thinking we will have to dig up more sources, though.

All you mamas of little ones……enjoy learning multiplication facts, long division, and parts of speech. It gets worse. 
Trust that.

We have been squeezing the juice out of these recent warm days.
Basking in the sunshine and soaking it all in.

They say an "arctic blast" is coming our way.
Brad makes fun of me but I have the urge to go on a "milk and bread run" 
just because I know it's about to get cold. 
I'm telling you!
I was supposed to be a grizzly bear. 
Stock up for winter...
gain a few pounds...
have everything I need in my cave...

Hoping your Tuesday has been full of 
If not,
don't give up.
the sun will come up tomorrow.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Here I sit.
Kitchen is clean only because I refused to let anyone leave until it was so. 
(Even the "but I need to go to the bathroom" excuse fell on deaf ears) 
Bar stools are pushed in, can lights are off, candles and lamps are on. Brad is tucking Emma in and big kids are showering and reading.
Dinner was homemade comfort food…..the very best kind.
We all six sat around the old Ethan Allen table that I bought years ago from an ad in the paper for practically nothing.
Reese dimmed the lights, I'm sure for the cozy factor.
Because I am in a current war over untimely snacking, every one ate just about everything on their plates quite happily. 

It is now the second night of the whole time change thing. 
It's just NOT my favorite.
I mean, it's 6:30 and it's been dark for close to 30 minutes. 
I've been in pajamas since about 5:30. (which will make two days in a row)
No, I won't be in p.j.s  every day at 5:30 but I can't say that's not my default. 
I think bears have it right with the whole hibernation thing. ;-)
Dark=Bedtime as far as I'm concerned. 
I loved it when I was little because I thought it was awesome to be able to stay up past dark.
Not so much, any more. 
It's become a bit of a joke, really.
My sister offered to purchase a sun lamp for me.
Yesterday morning Brad looked at me and said,
"Well. Are you going to survive this evening?"
(I laughed)
My friends love me even with my crazy bits and for that I am thankful. 

It's all good….every day is a gift and this weekend was such fun.
Dressing up is one of my kids favorite things.
Friday was a cool, crisp night, and one that usually proves to be cozy.
My parents came up, as did Cameron and Abby, 
aka Chameron and Bobby. (what Emma used to call them)
Saturday was football, football, a TJ Maxx run, and more football. Sunday was a gymnastics meet, grandparents, and a short game of back yard football. 

It's November already.
I must admit I frequently feel 
There are days I question the whole way we do things.
The rat race
Our cushioned, self centered
"I'm gonna get mine" 
American dream mentality.
I'm currently asking God to give me a fresh perspective
of my purpose here on this earth.
I want to matter.
To make a difference.
To love people well.
To do what needs to be done 
so that when I get to the 
beginning of eternity I hear
"Well done, good and faithful servant."
Is there any thought more repulsive than to coast through
life never having done anything or never having fulfilled your purpose?
I seem to be drowning in school, schedules, feeding, clothing, paying bills, carpooling, taxi cab driving, laundry, cooking, and countless other mundane tasks.
But this nugget of truth….
this little sentence Brad read last night brings me to tears this night.
He was reading the story of Gideon to the kids.
It's in Judges, chapter 6:
"The Lord is with you, mighty warrior."
"Pardon me, my lord," Gideon replied,
"but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? 
Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, 'did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian."
(here is the good part)
"The Lord turned to him and said,
"Go in the strength you have and save Israel…."

Go in the strength you have.
That just reeks of grace. I don't know the theology and right and wrong about God and grace in the Old Testament but I do know that I am in desperate need of God's mercy and that,
"Go with what you got, Gideon. I know you are lacking, but I've got you covered….just start walking with whatever you have.
Do the best you can with what you have right now..."
THAT is why I am a Believer in Jesus Christ.
THAT is why I'm committed to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Moses.
Because He covers me in all my insufficiencies,  inadequacies,  and short comings. 
So, tomorrow and this week, I will
go in the strength I have.
I will look for God's glory and grace right here in the middle of my mundane, normal, American life.
He put me here and He has a purpose and plan for me and for you.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father…" Col. 3

And a few shots from the weekend….
I'm so thankful for these little people God has entrusted to me 
and for the older people who help me know how to rear and train them. 
I love the oldies and the youngins!


Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Picture, if you will,
with a 4 year old,
a 21 month old,
and 9 months pregnant with my third child.
And when I say 9 months, I mean 9 months and a week.
Huge and miserable doesn't even come close.

Now, imagine if you will, a mere 3 weeks prior,
my discovering a SIGNIFICANT head lice infestation 
in the heads of my 4 year old, my almost 2 year old, AND myself.
I cried. 
and cried
and cried.
Brad brought home enough RID kits to abolish all lice in the Midwest.
He scrubbed and picked and picked and scrubbed.
I scrubbed and picked, picked and scrubbed for DAYS. 
I changed sheets every day.
I vacuumed every sofa, chair, mattress, and square inch of carpet twice a day for weeks.
I'm NOT kidding or exaggerating. 
I was beside myself.

Did I mention, I lived 24 hours away from everyone I had ever known,
With a husband who was in the middle of his orthopedic residency 
who routinely worked 80+ hours a week? 

You get the picture.
It was not the rosiest of times.

My precious Mom had flown out to help me the week leading up to 

and a couple weeks after my delivery. 

She, the two kids, and my pregnant self were in the Chipotle parking lot.
She twisted, turned around, and leaned towards the back seat to feed a McDonald's fry to my 21 month old.

"Oh." she winced.
"That hurt my back"

Long story short, no later than a day or so afterwards, she could not move.
When I say, "could not move", I mean, she could. not. move.

She was white as a sheet with pain.
The pain meds Brad got for her made her vomit.
She was ridden with pain and frustration over her inability to do the thing she had come to do
which was to HELP me…..her "great with child" daughter.

Daddy, who was scheduled to come out, I believe ON my due date, called the night before he was to leave. 
He said the simplest thing to my sweet, devastated, tough as nails, down in her back Mom.
"Hold on. Reinforcements are coming."
Simple as it may be,
it moves me to tears all these years later.
If you knew his jovial nature
his "no quit" attitude
his Marine Corp qualities
his devotion to his family
and his humor,
you would understand the weight that simple statement carried with all of us.

Things were h.a.r.d. but there was enough grit and determination 
that we would get through it.
Daddy wouldn't' quit on us.
While we had to hold the line til he got there, he was coming to see us through.

Maybe it's all a bit dramatic, but for me, it is a picture of the best kind of love, leadership, and devotion.
It's the attitude I want to have in this life.
No matter what is going on around me, God promises to supply my every need.
Maybe it will be by miraculous, Divine intervention
maybe it's through a friend
a stranger
or a family member.
Any way He chooses, He will supply my needs.

My friend and pastor recently talked about 
"no matter the storm around you, there's peace to be had within in you."

Isn't that an awesome truth?

Being miserable is a choice.
and one I don't want to make.

Things may not always be happy
But you can find peace in the midst of the storm.

I'm grateful for family
For a God who loves me more than my own earthly father,
For friends I can call on a moment's notice,
And for "peace that passes ALL understanding" (Philippians 4)

My Dad recently reminded a struggling someone that their banner should be this:

"God sent His son
They called Him Jesus
He came to love
Heal and forgive
He lived and died
To buy my pardon
An empty grave 
Is there to prove
My Savior lives

Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives"

If you know Him, HE holds your future.
Trust Him with it.


Saturday, October 18, 2014


So as it turns out, turning 40, is not nearly as scary as it seems.

I know because I reached this milestone recently.

I've never paid much attention to the hysteria that is associated with becoming a certain age, and the implications that that particular number damns you to being "old".

I hold to the firm belief that every day spent above ground is a good day. (which may show a hint of my own ignorance as it relates to my understanding of eternity with Jesus and just how awesome and euphoric that will be….thank you Lord for loving me in my stupidity)

I have found that, with the exception of turning 26, every birthday I'm blessed enough to see, is nothing but a Providential gift. …..and one that I happily receive.
(26 was an emotional birthday. I had just had a miscarriage and Brad was in his 3rd year of medical school…..gross)

Part of why I love where I am….

As it relates to my physical appearance…..
It most likely, is not going to get any better…..I will hold my own as long as I can but let's be honest….we are ALL aging…..
so I may as well enjoy what I got while I got it before what I got is gone.
I figure when I'm 60, I'll LONG for this 40 year old body.
I'm pretty content in that regard.

As it relates to my (usually) sweet husband…
we are committed.
in it for the long haul.
I love 17 years in
even with all the bumps, bruises, hurts and irritations
because every year survived
is a year of choosing love
and choosing love ALWAYS brings reward.

I recently had an epiphany…..
I don't have to convince him that he is in the wrong.
I can respond rightly to just about anything
without holding a grudge
without pouting
without being condescending.
the results are mind blowing.

As it relates to my little chickens:
I've come to understand that they are each their own little individuals.
On the surface, this seems obvious
but at the root,
accepting your children
with their strengths AND weaknesses
is a game changer.
No longer do you feel the need to say,
"Don't be that way"
"why do you do that?"
Nor do you subconsciously shame them
for their idiosyncrasies, that at times, drive you absolutely c.r.a.z.y.

Yes, it is my job to help my little people work on their junk,
to tweak the things that need to be tweaked
to be sandpaper to hopefully help them manage their rough edges.
but it's a fine line…..
see, loving them right smack dab in the middle of their little weirdnesses,
takes away the embarrassment and frustrations
even when you are training teaching, and rearing.

As it relates to life in general:
The more I go, the less I care about frivolous, temporal things.
There are still, and always will be hiccups…..
the temptation
to worry about things I can't control,
to stew over people's perceptions,
to waste today fretting over yesterday or tomorrow
but every day I live,
the truth of God's Word is more and more my life line...
and the promise of eternity where I answer only to Him,
motivates me to measure my actions and motives by my heart
because the motive of my heart is all that matters.

I go to bed nearly every single night with 
visions of loose ends dancing in my head
my to-do list only half crossed out
full dirty clothes hampers and
weeds poking through the pine straw.
BUT most nights,
I leave the undone undone…..and it's okay.
I set my mind on things above
I think on the good things and 
settle myself on the notion that
we will live to fight another day.

~I'm a fan of 40.


Friday, September 26, 2014


It was an ordinary week but I find myself here, on this Friday night, snug as a bug.

Bellies are full, baths are had, pajamas are on.

Porch lights are on…..just because I like it that way. 
Brad is sure to turn them off as soon as he sees them.

It feels like fall out, and Auburn plays tomorrow. 

If I could give the world one piece of advice right this minute, it would be this:

Don't walk around bitter….not for a day, not for a year, not for a lifetime.
Bitterness, un-forgiveness, and and anger shows on your face.
And trust me, it's unattractive.
Choose to forgive, walk in love, demonstrate kindness, be polite. 
Is there anyone you don't feel comfortable looking in the eye?
If so, then YOU have a problem. 
And guess what? YOU can make things right on YOUR end, today. 
You can't fix people.
You can't fix the past.
You can't make poo smell like roses.
you can be free by choosing to walk in love.
In your heart~
In your mind~
In your thoughts~
In your actions~
If nothing on the exterior ever changes, you can be right in humility in your own heart, and THAT, my friend, spells freedom……it's a good place to be.

Okay, so on to this ordinary week on my ordinary iPhone 4S.

Just two seconds ago….
I know for a hard cold fact that I will MISS these four little chickadees 
when they are not all in my nest.

may God give me grace to live this way.

Only a head to go!! Will be so weird 
to look eye to eye with my kids.

My #3…….her birthday wish list…..there are no words….
looks like our spelling still needs a little work.

Since Pre-k started, she really has taken an interest in learning….
Thank you , sweet teachers…..frankly, I need you. 
Teaching my "big three" leaves me 
with little to no motivation to make 
this cute blond four year old write.
So yes, thank you. 
You are a God-send.She'll be kindergarten ready because of you.

Sweet pre-k friends…..
I would never have the energy or creativity to 
plan Johnny Appleseed Day
but they LOVED it.
Thankful for friends who provide rope belts
when I don't have one.

And this! 
Some of my very most favorite ordinary moments 
of all the ordinary moments.
My parents are renovating a house in town
which means LOTS of wonderful ordinary time with them
in our simple little keeping room.
Dad, in the recliner, watching Mountain Men
or cruising the internet...
Brad and Mom discussing or watching some football or
golf thing….
LOVE every minute.


Thursday, September 18, 2014


We left here on a Friday morning, traveled the 8 hours to our five night vacation to "The Happiest Place On Earth".  

Personally, I would call it, "The Biggest Roller Coaster Both Literally and Figuratively Where You Will Experience Some Of Your Happiest Moments And Also Some Of Your Most Stressful Moments Ever Place On Earth".   
Doesn't exactly have the same ring, but I think it's way  more accurate. 

 I sorta have a love/hate relationship with Disney World. 

It's a trip that entails a measured amount of stress, sweating, and fatigue, along with an immeasurable amount of satisfaction and excitement. 

It's a trip we first did four years ago with just our big 3 and left 10 month old Emma with Grandparents. We just now did it again, four years later…..this time with all the kids. 
We have no plans to go back, but are open to the discussion around but not before four years from now. It's kinda like the Olympics. You need four years to recover and prepare. ;-)

While it's fresh on my mind, I thought I'd give a little review for any of you brave souls who may be planning a trip.

We stayed at the Cabins at Fort Wilderness.
While we loved the "cozy factor", and the kids thought it was the best place ever, I can't say we would stay here again.
It comfortably slept all 6 of us and had a full kitchen.
It was wonderfully private and nicely situated in the woods, but a little on the inconvenient side. 
We did the dining plan and the food at this resort was hard to get to, mainly because things were just so spread out. 
If you are determined to be at a park at rope drop,  and be the first ones in, you better take your car, because otherwise you'll be late.



Downtown Disney is a happening. 
People, merchandise, music and food are not in short supply here. 
T-Rex is a FUN place to eat.
My kids were wide eyed and out of their minds excited. 
This restaurant was a great start to the week.
Food was good, portions were HUGE, and the theme was entertaining. 
And loud. 
Really loud.
But almost everything at Disney is loud.
So yeah……just get ready.


Rope Drop.
We are early risers and like to be the first feet in the park.
You can ride a crazy number of rides in a crazy short time span if you are early birds.
They do get all the worms, you know.
If a park opened at nine, we left our place at 7:15 and were at the ropes at 8:00.
Hurry up and wait.
You RUSH to get there at 8 to just STAND there til 9.
(this is where the love/hate part comes in)

(That's me over there with the angelic glow around my head) 

We went with friends which actually was a whole lot of fun. 
Great minds think alike and we were fortunate enough to be on the same page basically the whole time.
When we weren't, we all had the freedom to say, "We don't want to do that. Y'all go that way, we'll go this way, and meet up for lunch." It was pretty awesome.


Elsa and Anna.
This was our first stop and better be yours too, if you want to see them and if you don't want to wait 148 minutes to do so.
I won't lie.
I was pretty happy to check this off the list and think I even gave the kids a little fist bump for being at the front of the line for this one. 
(We almost got stampeded, lost a a couple kids, and one of us got run over by a stroller, so yeah, this was something to celebrate. We all got there in one piece.)

You can't go to Magic Kingdom and not ride Dumbo.
Even if you're 82.
I'm pretty sure that's the law.

This girl was all about the characters.

You can't expect everyone to be happy all the time.
Don't get the least bit bothered by a frown.
Just click and keep going.
It is what it is and it'll be gone in no time.

~We were all sweaty messes by 10:00~

Lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table.
This was the first reservation I made 180 days before our trip.
One of our top three favorite things.
It is great food, cozy atmosphere, a much needed break in the air conditioning, and a smorgasbord of princesses. A great character meal and you get a 8x10 photo with Cinderella.


Even the boys like it.
They get swords and sometimes get tickled by Ariel.


I was planning to walk right past, but she said,
"Mommy! I have to see Woody and Jessie."
So we waited….

And waited...

And waited…..
While sweating….
And waited...

To finally see Woody and Jessie.


Hollywood Studios.
We have never spent a full day here.
The things I would highly encourage you to do and see would be:
1. Toy Story Mania. (this was the mad dash of the morning. we were like a herd of cows) We were first on and by the time we got out, the wait was 40 minutes, so go first.
2. Indiana Jones Stunt Show (awesome!)
3. Lights, Motors, Action show
4. Hollywood and Vine for lunch IF your littles want to see Playhouse Disney characters.


For a reason, unknown to me, pools on vacation are WAY better than pools in your own neighborhood. 
This was a great afternoon break for everyone.


Ride Soarin' first thing.
We all loved that ride. Brad, right down to Emma.

Test Track was a "10" for Jake.

 There's really great food at Epcot. 
This was, I believe La Cantina.

Waiting for Mulan in China.
And sweating some more.
'cuz there's never enough sweating and eating.


Chef Mickey's.
Food is fair.
Characters are classic.



We spent our last day in Magic Kingdom and this day, we decided to divide and conquer.
Brad took our big 3 to ride big rides and I took Little Miss to repeat her favorites.
1. Dumbo
2. Barnstormer
3. The Carousel
4. Rapunzel

I can't say enough about this girl.
By far my favorite character meet and greet.
She was spunky, fun, funny, and I'm convinced, in real life, she has to be the cutest Scottish red-head the world has ever seen.
This is worth a wait, if there is one.

~Enchanted Tales With Belle~
Very intimate setting, very personal meet and greet. 
A fun 20 minutes.

And now for Gaston's Tavern~
This would be my second favorite place in the entire park.
It's tucked away in Fantasy Land beside Belle's castle.
It's a quiet, cozy, dark, cool spot that is perfect for a snack and a rest.
The best cinnamon rolls ever, and according to Brad, the best food in the park.
He ate TWO  pork shanks……and is still talking about them.
The "real" Gaston is outside sometimes and he is a hilarious. 
He never left character.
 It's also close to a bathroom which is a plus.


 (We made them do this)
They are work out buddies 
and accidental Magic Band bracelet buddies.

Dinner at Belle's castle is another highlight.
It was unbelievably beautiful and really good food.
You feel like you are in the movie when you're there.
And as Reese said,
"I love this! It's really fancy."

 We ended with breakfast at 1900 Park Fare.
It is a buffet breakfast.
It's hard to mess up bacon and eggs so it was, 
as expected, very good.
Not worth the money unless you get the dining plan.
…..and preferably you go in the fall when it's typically free dining. :-)

So, it's back to the grind, the wonderful grind for us. 
It was a wonderful week away.
It was a week to get concentrated time with Brad, which is a treat and sadly, often a rarity.
It was a week spent with some sweet friends. 
A week making memories.
It was a week to say, "Yes! You can have whatever you want to drink! I know it's 7:00, yes, you can have Coke!"

It was a week for me to love on the kids, stare at them, laugh with them, and notice that somehow, they are starting to look grown up. It won't be long until I'm looking eye level with them.
I'm happy to have this trip "under the belt" and thankful for God's mercies on our time and travels.
