Tuesday, August 6, 2013

~Dear Mama Friends~

Dear Mama Friends,

I'm writing this farewell letter to all my sweet Mama Friends whose kids are getting back to it tomorrow or whenever. It pains me to say it but it's already that time again. It's like we are all about to be swallowed up and I miss you already.

School is starting. And if that were it, JUST school, there would be no need for this note. BUT.
We all know that's not it. Couldn't be that simple.

There's school, homework, parties, fundraisers, fall festivals, work, football, soccer, cheer leading, ballet, gymnastics, tennis, coaching, teaching, piano, guitar, violin, traveling, holidays, supper, board meetings, early risings, exercising, husbands, packing lunches, signing forms, folders, binders, laundry, and sleeping.

All that. ALL THAT is the reason I feel the need to say this:
I love you. I love that we are all in this together. Please forgive me when I forget to call you back or worse still, don't even hear the phone ring because I'm on it, emailing a poor, unsuspecting teacher that my child or I may be doomed to failure and that all I'm asking is that she not kick us out. 

If you pass me in the car, as I speed out of the neighborhood on two wheels, you wave, and I don't wave back, it's not on purpose. Don't call the police. I'm not texting. I'm most likely looking for a good place to turn around to go back and get the lunch box somebody forgot. 

If I call you crying, or ranting, please humor me and listen. I'm sorry ahead of time. I'm prone to a weak moment every now and again and try as I might to limit my verbal vomit to Brad, my mom, or sister, there is the rare occurrence that they are all unavailable. In that instance, you girls are up. So be ready. Remind me that it's going to be okay. And with the curveballs life is sure to throw me, you'll still love me. If my sweet kids go loco, you'll still love me. I promise to still love you. My Steele Magnolias.
So, as we pass each other  at 7:30 a.m. in our kid heavy SUV's, make-upless,  baseball caps pulled down low, smile and say a prayer. 

"Lord, bless my crazy friend. She is as busy as I am and we all need a little extra mercy from You. Help us to find peace in the busy and give us the wisdom to know when to stop what. Help us not loose sight of our purpose and calling. Show us how to train these precious kids you've loaned us. They are 100% our primary job right now and we want to do it right.



  1. laughing and feeling tears too!

    and not just because it's late and i should be in bed and SLEEPING.
    and not because i'm hormonal. (like all month long nowadays.)

    but because you just nailed it! EXACTLY!!!
    and i miss you already too.

    1. yes.....miss you......and I have to be honest and say the picture of you in the Windy City with our blog friend may have made me go, "darn. i want to do that!!" hate to keep saying, "one of these days"......but seriously, ONE of these days....

  2. love this.
    so perfectly put..
    i think i'll just make copies and pass them out.
    it'll save me explaining. ;))

    happy back to schooling-
    well, as happy as it can be.
    i really wish it weren't necessary at all.
    who's idea was school anyway!!?? meh.

    1. we had a 25 minute discussion with the 11 year old at dinner the other night about this very thing. how important can school really be? he asked......then lots of detail and back and forth until i finally said, "look, son. it is a medical fact that your brain is not yet fully developed which means that you don't know what's best for you. as long as you live here, you will be in school. i love you. take your plate to the sink and go get a shower."
      good times!

  3. ps. adorable adorable picture!!

  4. Such a cute picture! and...yeah, life is about to get busy around here.
    I will be homeschooling, so I may not be riding out of the house but all the rest of the stuff you said...yeah. We are also in the midst of farmers market season which has us running all summer long.

    Happy Last days of summer. :)

    1. would REALLY love to be near your farmer's market!!
