Sunday, December 28, 2014


My favorite snapshot of Christmas so far….

Christmas morning.
waiting to come downstairs...


Thursday, December 11, 2014


Mental lists weigh me down.

So today, when I had an hour and a half of limbo

An hour and a half when I was forced to stay in a specific vicinity that just happens to be the home of 

Costco, DSW, and a myriad of other stores, I knocked out a serious amount of my "to-do's".

It was an awesomely productive day.

Boots returned.
BIL Christmas gift purchased.
The perfect gift for Brad. Done.
Check dropped off.
Cards picked up.
Gifts for precious, sweet, wonderful, life-saving teachers, chosen and wrapped.

Like I said, p.r.o.d.u.c.t.i.v.e.

All while my favorite son was at a Beta club sponsored study session for finals.

Sweet E was my side kick. 
She is such a trooper and thank God, has a bladder the size of Texas. 
I have an extra-ordinary aversion to public bathrooms. ~bleck~

 Favorite line from the day:
"Mommy, is this our last stop? And then we can go home and get cozy rosy?"
~a girl after my own heart.~

I hope you are squeezing the juice out of every minute this Christmas season. 
Every party.
Every silent night.
Every ordinary evening home, eating dinner or watching The Grinch.
Every hour you are able to care for your baby with the flu.
Every light looking trip.
Take time to celebrate the Gift.
Remember the sacrifice.
He sent  his Son to the earth
To live, serve, die, and save
and me.
He is worthy of your love.

"Let earth receive her king!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing.
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love"


Thursday, December 4, 2014


When he comes home, after operating all day
that was preceded by a day of clinic/operating until 9pm
that was preceded by an 11 hour day….
and he's exhausted mentally and physically and just wants to just come home and veg…
he finds me quitting
throwing in the towel 
because I am on empty
there is nothing even in my reserve tank 
All I have is the big fat EMPTY
I am d.o.n.e.
He quietly grabs the 7th grade science book from hell and calmly marches to the school room to help the son with genetics.
His "no quit" puts me to shame.
He swoops in to scoop me up when I can't go another inch.
His motto of "Nobody will out work me"
is 100% spot on.
He doesn't quit
even when I do
even when he wants to
even when he has a right to
he just keeps going
and I reap the benefits
So, Bradford, from your "weaker vessel"
thank you.
