Tuesday, November 11, 2014


It's been a good day at the hacienda.
Jake (aka WE) completed 25 notecards on John Wycliffe. 
It's his 7th grade research paper and I am quite proud of the fact that it's only 6:40 and we got all 25 done.
Only 25 more to go…..thinking we will have to dig up more sources, though.

All you mamas of little ones……enjoy learning multiplication facts, long division, and parts of speech. It gets worse. 
Trust that.

We have been squeezing the juice out of these recent warm days.
Basking in the sunshine and soaking it all in.

They say an "arctic blast" is coming our way.
Brad makes fun of me but I have the urge to go on a "milk and bread run" 
just because I know it's about to get cold. 
I'm telling you!
I was supposed to be a grizzly bear. 
Stock up for winter...
gain a few pounds...
have everything I need in my cave...

Hoping your Tuesday has been full of 
If not,
don't give up.
the sun will come up tomorrow.

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