Thursday, August 28, 2014


People can be complicated, messy, and difficult.


They can also be full of love, the biggest blessing, and a real example of support and community.

Today, I experienced the latter.

You first must know, that yesterday morning, neighbors lost their house to a fire. When I say "lost their house", I mean, in the matter of a couple hours, there entire house was burned to the ground, only the rock front face left standing. Total loss.
I witnessed the victim's immediate neighbors being right there, helping in every way possible. Our pastor wheeled in and stayed until the husband was able to get back to be with his wife as they watched  everything they own be reduced to ash.

Fast forward almost 24 hours later.

My morning started off more chaotic than usual.

The kids and I found ourselves wheeling through Chick-fil-a about 8 minutes before I was due to be at our carpool drop-off spot for my middle two, which was to be followed by a scheduled drop off for my eldest.
There was no time to be spared.
I was coming in on a wing and a prayer.

Drive thru order completed.

I pulled ahead a bit, pausing just at the rear employee exit.

"Pass me my purse, please.", I said, as I turned to grab it from whatever little hand was passing it up.

"SHOOT! Oh man! I left it at home!……THAT'S why I should never take my purse outside of the car!! I leave it!"

think fast…..uhm….okay, I'll text Glen. 

(I swallow my pride and grab my phone to text our friend, who also just happens to be the owner/operator of the best Chick-fil-a in five states.)

Glen, are you at the store?….  I text.

A nano second after I hit send, (before he'd received it)
I glanced to my left, to see him at the employee entrance.
He throws his hand up and calls,
"Hey Stacey!", as he turns to go back inside.

In all my pathetic-ness, I holler,
"GLEN!! I need a favor!"

By this time, I'm laughing, because it's all so ridiculous.
At this moment, I am the epitome of spastic mom.
His happy, go lucky self, hops out to my car, as I attempt to explain:
"I am on the way to school and to drop Jake off at his overnight jr. high retreat. They haven't eaten, are starving, and I forgot my purse. Can I please get my order and I promise to bring back the $14 I owe you?!!"
True to form, he quickly obliges my grotesque craziness and insists that I let the store treat us.

A little later, he shoots me a text and says,
"hey. I'm not connected to the folks who lost their house yesterday, but if chicken will help, let me know."

I forward that info on to my friend (an immediate neighbor of the loss), she talks to them, and in turn, relays the message, "they really want some Chick-fil-a sweet tea!"

Another hour goes by, I'm back at Chick-fil-a, meeting a friend for lunch.
I walk in, there sits Glen, with bags of food about to be taken to the folks at the burned house.

He would have nothing to do with my paying for my accidental free breakfast, which, drove me crazy, so all I knew to do was to buy my friend's lunch! ……AND I got her precious, chubby cheeked baby an ice-cream…..and am pretty sure I made a friend for life.

Forgetting my purse
Accidentally pausing in front of the employee entrance
Accidentally glancing over at the exact time Glen was sticking his head out the door
Accidentally getting free breakfast,
Glen blessing the fire victims with a free lunch
My returning the favor by buying my friend's lunch……

Not a bit of that was accidental.
It was the absolute working of my heavenly Father
all to remind me that He is at work
in this mess of humanity
to demonstrate His love and compassion for us.
…..even in our spastic mom moments.

I'm so thankful tonight.


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