Sunday, August 3, 2014


I'm not guarded.


I said it.

For any of you who might wonder……there is the truth.

I'm not silly.

I'm not caddy.

I'm not always super chatty…..which maybe that comes off as guarded. 

But I'm not.

Sometimes I'm quiet.

Sometimes I have a lot to say.

I get energized being alone….which technically makes me an introvert, I suppose.

I'm busy with my family but I LOVE people.

I love mamas especially.

If I could genuinely encourage someone every single day, I would die a happy woman.

I LOVE my babysitters. (past and present….you know who you are!)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my real friends. (old and new)

I crave REAL, AUTHENTIC people.

I don't care if you fly a freak flag.

If you are REAL, I have a box for you.

I can handle unique and different.

This is embarrassing to post but I feel compelled.

Perhaps I'll delete it in the morning.

Maybe I'll blame my brazen boldness on the fact that we start to start school in the morning and frankly, I feel like one of those cartoon characters that are being dragged and their feet are so dug in that they end up knee deep in the dirt and are practically on fire from the friction.

Yes, this is a moment of temporary insanity.

Nevertheless… it is.


Tomorrow is Monday and I'm ready for it.

This week, school starts, and I'm ready for it. 

I am BLESSED beyond measure to love people and serve my family this week. 

Get to it, Mamas!
Quiet, reserved, 
talkative, social, 
not so social, 
introvert, extrovert, 
working away, working at home,
calm, hyper, 
high energy, low energy, 
morning person, night person,
……be who God created you to be and don't apologize for it.

I don't know all of you  but I would love you
…..I'm sure of it.



  1. This is all good to know! I feel like I might have totally dominated the conversation last night and might have bared my soul in a crazy way, but I had a great time doing it! Glad to know you like real because that's me, too. I'm thankful for your friendship! And, here's my old blog to peruse whenever you feel like it!

    1. You just consider picking it back up again. Writing is good for the soul....and it's so fun to look back at all the changes time brings. :-) I would read it! 👍

  2. Hooray for mamas and the grace God gives them!

  3. Insert, "I love Bobbie ( you know who you are) " I totally empathize with this. Mainly the picture, but I'll bite at the whole thing.
