Saturday, August 1, 2015


I consider the hours of 3:30 to 8:30, Monday through Friday to be "extra curricular". 
I am fully aware that 8:30 seems an ungodly hour to call "extra curricular" but I have two kids over the age of 10, and two nipping at their heels.

One of whom is a gymnast, so I have learned that you can't demand that they be home before 9:00..even on a school night….IF you choose a parenting style that has your kids "in stuff".
(which is something you and your spouse must debate and decide…which route are we going?) 
it's a reasonable question for sure.

the only reason I am semi okay with afternoon/evening commitments is because my crew is home with me half the time for school….without that, I couldn't bear for them to be so busy in the afternoons.
I would simply miss them too much and would be incredibly frustrated by the lack of hours I had with them. 

Back to us…

The "scheduling gods"…I say this tongue in cheek…have smiled on me.

Our fall schedule has just been finalized.

With a total of 27 hours of combined activities for four kids including tennis, gymnastics, and piano, during the afore  mentioned hours, (which total up to 25 available hours), 

I (we) have been given Wednesday afternoons completely off.

nothing going on Wednesday afternoons.

not.a.thing. is scheduled for Wednesday.

I can't even believe it.

Seriously credit this to God having mercy on me.

I told Brad that if he dare step one foot inside this door after 5:00 on Wednesdays,
then don't even bother.
He may as well stay gone because 
he will be in a pot of hot water.

I think he is actually a little scared….which he should be…because Wednesdays just became pretty important to this mama. 



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