Saturday, March 21, 2015


I don't know much~

but I do know a few things~

I'm happiest when I'm giving~

I really love youth girls~

Altar'd State is an awesome clothing store~
(funny story….I was in there the other day and in some form or fashion, this is a Christian store….based on what I've heard and their music…..anyway, was in the dressing room, and overheard two employees cussing a blue streak about their "idiot boss who doesn't know anything"…. I just fell over laughing in between outfits)

Body life, with all it's hiccups, mess-ups, complications, and idiosyncrasies, is really a necessary part of the Christian life. I am so blessed to have so many women in my life who point me to Jesus and who I actually just enjoy being with.

I stink at laundry. Laundry in an orderly fashion should not be difficult thing to do but I frequently find myself… a quandary over laundry.
I blame it on 6 bodies, the fact that it's upstairs, having too many clothes, having too little time…..I think a laundress is my only sure success but that's not happening…. maybe I should declare a laundry day?? Monday maybe…..we shall see.


Several days later, I'm just now getting back to this post……
A couple days ago, I spent four hours in my laundry room and  girls' closets.
We paired down shoes and clothes to only what is useful and reasonable.
We put decent things that could technically still be worn in donate or sell piles.
I believe we eliminated 6 garbage bags full of excess.
I actually told the Lord I was sorry for having too much stuff.
Excess in any area is: 
not necessary
it complicates your life
is a form of gluttony
and just might be a little on the sinful side.

Not to mention, it was 80% of my laundry problem.

I'm s.i.c.k. of TOO MUCH.
(I realize that "too much" is relative but I know where that line is for me and my household)

Must brag on sweet Avery.
Yesterday, we were in TJ Maxx.
There was a dress she'd found a month ago and adored but it wasn't her size.
Well, there it was.
Just her size and cuter than ever.
She tried it on.
I consented but mentioned that she would need to remove a dress from her closet as a trade.
Sweet thing, as she was playing on my phone, casually said, (as we were waiting for sister in the dressing room)
"Yeah, I was just thinking about that dress. I do love it, but I really don't need it. I love my closet the way it is."

enough said.
proud is not even close to what I felt of her in that moment.

the dress?
it's still there.
someone go get it.
it's adorable.
blue and yellow bold stripes.
but our closets are just fine without it.

There have been two different occasions in the last two weeks where Jake and I have had deep, meaningful conversations about real stuff.
They have each been before noon on his "homeschool" days (Tuesday or Thursday)
That is why I suffer through math and science (THAT I HATE).
I suffer through that for the trade off of time with my kid.
Time with my 13 year old boy
who desperately wants to do the right thing
but is painfully honest about what is troubling him, what scares him, and what plagues his mind.

It is absolutely NOT about what school your kid is in……
BUT it IS about
"hey, bud, what's up? how are you? what are you struggling with? how's your heart? who'd you sit with at lunch today? anything you aren't happy with? are you fighting anything I can pray with you about? there's NOTHING you can do to separate you from the love of God. you could burn the neighbors' house down and I'll still love you." (please don't do that….burning down the house, I mean)

Love your kids.
Teach them.
Love them.
Live authentically before them.
Say your sorry.
Draw hard lines.

It's okay to admit when things just make you mad.
Or sad.
Or left out.
Or irritated.
Or inferior.
Honesty is a good thing.
Especially when you have TRUTH to set your mind right.

So, today, just in the last hour, I turned to Philippians.
"If you have ANY encouragement from being united with Christ,
if ANY comfort form His love,
if ANY fellowship with the Spirit,
if ANY tenderness and compassion, then…..
Do nothing out of selfish ambition of vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others….."

Is there anything that doesn't cover?
It certainly covers the pity party.
It absolutely covers the "I need" mentality….
It covers most of our
"first world problems"
In regards to
my kids,
or my spouse.
 It just about  covers it all.

There's a great big world out there.
Can you grasp a God who knows when a sparrow falls to the ground and yet still has a plan that goes beyond the scope of all the humans in all the world?
He blows my mind.
He is intimately connected to me
Yet holds the world in His hands.

Enough rambling.

Enjoy this weekend!

SWEET youth girls and I taking a hike up a mountain last week. 
Sweet thing in the back had NEVER gone up this mountain. 
Was SO proud of her. 
We four were proudly "bringing up the rear" in a feat that should make anyone proud!

my head was exploding with analogies.
can you believe something so beautiful comes out of a old brown "dead" branch??
I just love my weird family……we need a sofa the length of Chile.

….and the big three ready for church last week.
with freshly cooked eggs on the stove.
oh, and coffee creamer on the counter.
love them.
and the creamer.


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