Tuesday, February 4, 2014

~birthday and a costume party~

My littlest chickadee turned four recently.

Selfishly, I tried really hard to have just a family party. Up to this point, she hasn't known the difference.
This year, though, she was determined. She had her own opinions.

I suggested "just us", she said,

"But I need ALL my friends to come to my party."

"Okay!" I said. "We can do that."

"How about we go to Chick-fil-a and have your friends meet us there?!"
( I'm thinking....I need simple. Chick-fil-a is simple....please go for chick-fil-a)

She pauses, thinks in her little four year old brain and says,

"But I need ALL my friends to come to my house for my party because I want a dolphin party."

"We can have a dolphin party at Chick-fil-a! How does that sound?"

"We can't have a dolphin party at chickalay. My friends need to come here."

Can't argue with a four year old with curls about her very first birthday party. It's just not possible.

So we had dolpin cupcakes, four sweet little friends came over, played upstairs, made little rings, and played on the trampoline.

It was easy. It was fun.

And her little day was complete.

My first and probably last costume party. SO much fun.

Finally got my chance to dress up like a 50's housewife.

Seriously wish clothes still looked like this.....

I was taken aback at my 8 and 10 year old daughter's responses.
Reese almost cried.
They were enamored. Don't know if it was the crinoline, the red lipstick, or what, but you would have thought I was the Queen of England.

The sweetest comment, other than, "Oh my goodness, mom. You are so beautiful.", was this:

"I sure hope Abby is still alive when I'm grown up so she can fix my hair and I can look like that."

Maybe we should dress up more often.....break out a little red lipstick and crinolin. ;-)




  1. How FUN! LOVE your costume. I wish we still dressed like that too. :)
    You and your girls are so beautiful!

  2. I forgot! Happy Birthday to your sweet little chickadee! :)

  3. Gorgeous costume! I can see why the girls were enamored. I can't believe she turned down Chick-Fil-A. She must not live 3 hours away from one like I do. Actually I heard that one just opened up in Jeff City so that might mean there is one an hour away.
