Friday, January 1, 2010

~New Year~

Friday, January 01, 2010
It's 8:20 on this first day of January 2010. It's overcast and rather chilly. The kids have been up a while, already begging to jump on the trampoline. (Their favorite, much anticipated Christmas gift). On that subject, can I just tell you how thankful I am for safety enclosures?! Seriously. 

Brad's been on call all week so he's rounding at the moment. I'm about to get up and get it in gear. I love the idea of a fresh start. I'm cleaning out the closet in the baby's room, placing my mismatched furniture, and getting the crib or "criddle", as Reese kept saying, assembled. (I think it's a combination of crib and cradle) I'm washing sheets, going through piles that have mounted in my laundry room, and a little sadly, taking down decorations. I love to clear out and throw away so even taking down my beautiful tree is not terribly depressing. 

I'm making lists. I have 27 days til I'm due. Which for me, isn't' a lot of time....especially if you knew that I have done practically nothing in preparation. We MAY even have decided on a name! 

Last night, we did a few sparklers and lit some kind of spinning firecrackers on the driveway. It's nights like that I despise living in a neighborhood. I'm paranoid about being a nuisance, so we kept things quiet. Even the dog had to go in his kennel because he was going nuts. 

Didn't see the crystal ball in NYC drop.....couldn't keep my own eye balls open. I told Brad, "One of these years, we're getting all dressed up, hiring a sitter, going to the city for dinner, some kind of show, and a night in a fancy hotel." 

I got such a kick out of the childrens' responses when I explained to them we were starting a new year. They were fascinated by the concept of leaving 2009. And January holds extra special excitement for Reese. Birthday month! That sweet child asks me, "Why is my birthday last?" It does no good to explain to her that even though the others are all in the fall and it FEELS like she's last, she's actually the first birthday of the year.
 Doesn't get it. 
She's last. 

2009 has been the fastest year yet. It's mostly a blur. I mean, I remember things in vivid detail and it's been a great year but I feel like I blinked and it's gone. 

I'm not one for resolutions but when the New Year rolls around, I can't resist thinking about a few things I want to work on. So maybe, I am a resolutions kind of gal.....just a noncommittal one! (Which is probably something I should work on!)

I want to complete my One Year Bible. Just for the discipline of it. 

I need to complete some organizational things I just haven't had time to finish. That's an immediate thing I plan to tackle this weekend while Brad is off and I don't yet have a newborn to tend to. When a baby is coming, I feel the need to SIMPLIFY in a major sort of way.

I typically eat relatively healthy but have gotten in a little slump of late.  That changes today. Back to my good habits. Can't wait to get back in some sort of shape. I look forward to no more heart burn and actually being able to breathe. Oh. And when I'm in bed, not having to use every bit of strength I have to roll from one side to the other! It's not too unlike a beached whale flopping around. (Brad would disagree. He's so sweet and tells me how amazing I look.....thank you, honey.) 

I would love to get a new computer this year. My desktop has all my photos but is practically useless for the internet. Brad's old laptop is quick but has no photos. I'm straddling the two and can't wait to pitch them both and get a new one.

I want to become better acquainted with my friend, Canon. I'm better now than I was a year ago but I'm not yet GOOD. Not sure how to get there but I intend to. I learn best by spending time with someone who knows more than I do, so AMBER, I MIGHT COME SEE YOU! 

Today is the last football game we have a severe interest in. Things will get loud around here in a couple hours. 

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from 2009. 








It's now 2pmish...must get busy. The sun is out. It's a beautiful day. ~Happy 2010~


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