Monday, February 2, 2015


I just begged, BEGGED my five people to please just get out of here and go play basement soccer so I can clean the dinner mess of SIX people ALL by myself. (that's how desperate I am for alone time)

Before supper was really over….you know, when Brad and I were still talking to our 13 year old about the critical importance of initiative and hard work….(good times)

my 4 year old, who is less than 24 hours away from being 5, walked up to me, "smoking" a noodle. 

Yes, I just said, 'smoking a noodle'.

We had spaghetti for supper.
I hear her proudly puffing right beside me, and I glance over, horrified, to see her mimicking some dude  smoking a cigarette like it was her job.

My crazy mama eyes came out and I immediately looked at the four people who were obviously the guilty party and demanded to know,
"WHO in the heck has been walking around smoking a fake cigarette??!!!!"
For the love of Pete!!!! STOP IT!! That is NOT what we do!!!"

They were all scared…….
it was Brad who finally fessed up…..trying desperately to stifle his laugh. 
(he used to "smoke" sharpies as a kid during Bible time just to make his mom mad) 

he is bad.

I have laundry piled up as high as Mt. Everest.

I am two weeks behind on Downton Abbey.

I woke myself up at about 5:30 this morning yelling for help thanks to an awful nightmare that was so awful I won't even repeat it.
Brad was in the basement working out….
he didn't hear me.
good thing I wasn't having a real crisis. :-)

I signed up for a "storage solutions 52 tips spread out over a year to help organize every nook and cranny of your home" email. 
…..yeah…….I'm like 7 weeks behind. 
…..haven't stopped long enough to implement one single "tip".

here's a novel idea: give me a tip on how to ethically clone myself or how to get the motivation to give a rip after 8:00 at night. 
now THAT would be a great tip.
See, hypothetically, 8-10 p.m. would be my most productive hours but frankly, I just don't care about any of it after supper, after kids are in bed, and I finally sit down. A tornado could come through and I'm not sure I would even notice. 

the highlight of my day is a tie between two things:

1. the complete, shameless pride and joy that my little birthday girl has about tomorrow being her birthday. she's been singing her own version of Annie's "Tomorrow" but it goes more like, "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow is my birthday!" …it's priceless.

2.Brad being able to sew up a precious little spunky four year old on the kitchen counter. I LOVE knowing that we (he) is sparing someone HOURS at the ER. I love that he can sew a stitch in a split lip. (it's a bonus when the child is tough as nails and his parents are awesome)

It's funny to be so worn out but so full of sweet, fat contented joy.
Birthday girl is sleeping.
Big sisters have been busy decorating the birthday girl's chair for in the morning.
Jake just came in here and gave me some sweet mindless chatter.
Brad's just gone to bed.

Tired and happy, I am.
(that was in my very best Yoda voice)


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