Wednesday, May 14, 2014

~In tHe goOd OLd suMmER TimE~

can you feel it?
can you sense my giddy disposition?
can you see the smiles and hear the laugher?

consider yourself warned. i'm about to gloat and i have no shame.


we can barely contain ourselves over here.

it's about time. 
we barely made it. 
comin' in on a wing and a prayer.

summer is never a moment too soon.

i'm not one who hyper schedules the summer.

we like our pajama days and late movie nights.

occasional afternoon naps are heavenly.

chasing lightening bugs is the best thing ever.

i get time to rediscover my kids without harping on perimeter, past perfect tense, the cardiovascular system, or "seriously? do you still not know the difference between  they're, there, and their?" 

it's a blessed break from the rat race that I treasure more and more every year. 


1 comment:

  1. Sounds fabulous! We have six days. Trying to finish strong.
