Sunday, November 24, 2013

~The Ugly Yet Redeeming Truth~

My head is a mess of swirling thoughts and ideas most of the time. 
Don't be impressed. It's not highly intellectual or "I'm about to create something great" kind of mess.
It's just mess.
Oh gosh, I forgot to do that.
I really should not leave my bed unmade.
I need to pull those weeds.
Should really get those pictures hung.
I wonder if it's really possible to be at peace on earth and also long for heaven.
Does the church have to be in a state of persecution in order to really experience God at His fullest?
Why do I always have a mess in my laundry room?
I don't know that I do a very good job teaching 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade all at the same time. No wonder that and dinner is just about ALL I can do.
Are we getting it right with our kids or are we missing the boat entirely?

It's just mess.

My parents were here for a little over a week. To say I loved it is an under statement. I could be one of those people who build a multi generational house and have my folks live with us. Brad could to, believe it or not. 
Mom and Dad aren't selfish. They just help and serve and love. 
We talk lots and during one of those conversations, my Dad said,
"Stacey. You are going to have to decide that there are a lot of things that you just have to put on the back burner. Leave them there, you'll get to them but now is not the time."

That little reminder and extension of grace helped me during a really crazy week.
It's not that I don't see the weeds that need to be pulled or that I've forgotten that wall needs to be painted.  It's just that it's not essential to my family's survival. And frankly, we frequently find ourselves in "survival mode". 

See, I don't have to have every i dotted and every t crossed in order to be happy and at peace. 

Because it's not about me.
These shortcomings, or to do lists with only half the things crossed off, have no eternal consequence. 
Am I being an example to my kids that it's about the power of Christ in me or am I teaching them that I better get my act together in order to do it right in order to feel good about myself in order to feel confident about my success, whether large or small?

Sin's curse has lost it's grip on me,
For I am His, and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man, 
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Til He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

God is not afraid, nor is He limited by our "mess".
For that I am thankful.


The following is mere documentation for me so feel free to exit.
Reese's state meet was last weekend.
For three meets leading up to state, she had costly falls on beam. 
Three meets in a row, she fell on the same skill.
It was obvious it was in her head. 
State was her last chance of the season to "beat the beam".
During warm up, she was leaping and absolutely bit it. I'm talking, she went from leaping in the air to landing on her stomach on the four inch wooden beam to crumbling to the floor. I gasped, shoved Brad and said, "Get down there. Brad go. Get down there." 
Coach scooped her up, got her to the side, Brad's checking her out.
I calmly (on the outside) walk over, grab her, kiss her on the cheek, and ask here if she's okay and reassure her that she is in fact, okay. She nods, obviously shaken up but tough as nails, barely sheds a tear and shows her doctor daddy that she can jump without any pain. He does the football fanny tap, tells her to put it out of her head, focus, and go compete. 
Her awesome coach, in her wonderful, thick Russian accent, says,
"You sportsman. Come."
In our small little world, it was a Rocky moment. 
She had the best competition of her year. 
She wins with grace but I think I' most proud because I've seen her loose with grace. It's easy to be at peace when you win but to see her character and how she responds to not winning, or the grind of practice, or her sensitivity to friends who are struggling, challenges me. 



Happy Thanksgiving. 
I hope you will choose thankfulness. That is the ticket. ~cHoOsiNg~

Enjoy your family, in whatever state you find yourselves. Warts and all.  Life is a blessing!



  1. Thanks, Stacey. Any of us who live in the real world with real kids and real messes can totally relate! I always need the reminder to let some things go . . . wish it could be the laundry! :-)

  2. You my cousin whom I love have moved me to tears, not because of any one particular thing but especially because you get it. I feel like I have wasted so much time trying to make everything perfect. At the time I wanted the house to be in order so it would be welcoming and not chaotic. I wanted the walls painted and the garage cleaned out and those broken things fixed because I wanted to take care of the things I had been blessed with...but now as I sit here still looking at to do lists and living in the daily state of things undo and never enough time...I long for the mundane days that I could just sit peacefully and enjoy that which I've been so blessed with!!! I'm determined to simplify and enjoy those blessings and let the dust fly and the paint peel and the love flow!!! Who cares about those tasks at long as health is not in jeopardy I want to live, laugh, love and enjoy each and everyday!!! Have a great Thanksgiving, love you all so much!!!
