Thursday, May 30, 2013

~Reese's Room~

It strikes me as funny that I'm posting about "decorating" when I'm SO not a decorator. My talented friend, Amy, is my decorator. I've caught myself laughing as I sit on Reese's floor making decisions about what should go where. It literally gives me a headache.

See, we're not in full on, budget ready decorating mode just yet.  I'm simply putting what we have up on walls because I cannot stand another minute of brown boxes on the floor.

Nor can my girls. I learned that when I heard that Avery's prayer request at Sunday school recently was, "That we would finally get all moved in." I about funny!

Anyway. Here it is.

Furniture from my grandmother.
A comforter that I love.
A collage of art that sort of contradicts my ideal color scheme but it's HERS and she loves it.
Lights on a dresser because who doesn't want Christmas lights up all year?!
First competition leo and medals because it's so great to find the thing she loves and can actually do! ;-)

and no, she did not paint the bottom left canvas! 

I have since cleaned this mirror.
Just in case you were wondering......cuz' all I see is streaks. Oh. And a precious little sister.

Struggling with what to put over her bed.
Love her little homemade banner and all but I'm thinking that's more closet wall worthy.
Contemplating a big one of these:
Yes? No? Maybe so?

Lovely to be here on blogger. Finally finished copying and pasting. 
So very grateful for the reprieve of summer.



  1. i think a "big one of those" would be perfect!~

    1. Hi! Looking forward to cruising through your blog more than I already have. :-) Hope your Thursday is going well!

  2. I'm thinking yes! I was just at officemax copying blueprints for my husband, and the guy told me they print big black and white pictures (the size of the prints I was copying...can't remember the size, but they were big ;) for only $2 a piece! Finding a frame...well, that may be hard. Perhaps a an old window or a homemade frame...or even a custom frame if the print is so cheap.

    Her room is adorable, we have Christmas lights too. ;)
