Thursday, December 20, 2012
Survived. It was a crazy two weeks.
A marathon of teaching school, going to parties, practices, performances, and lessons. Pictures, errands, wrapping, shopping, cleaning, and prepping for and enduring a home inspection.
This morning was the kids Christmas musical at school. As the sweet, innocent first graders filed in and I caught my Avery's eye, she smiled her toothless smile, waved, and I couldn't hold back the tears.
My heart is still heavy for the Mamas and Daddies in Connecticut. I am well aware that I have not been given the grace to carry their suffering, so I guard my thoughts, and do my best to choose not to dwell on that day. Instead, I pray for unexplainable grace to rest on their homes.
I pray for peace that passes all understanding.
I pray for smiles to return sooner rather than later.
I pray for mercy and comfort.
I pray for rest and signs of God's presence in their lives even in this impossible circumstance.
School is officially out for nearly three weeks.
That is long enough to actually catch my breath.
It's long enough to have some do nothing days and some fun days.
I have my plans but more than ever, I'm acutely aware that I've only been given today.
I'll always make plans, but I won't waste today hoping for or fretting over tomorrow.
In the wise words of my favorite pastor ever, Tom Hall,
"Blessings and Joy! You live in a redeemed world."
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