Monday, August 22, 2011

~Celebrate The Small Stuff~

Monday, August 22, 2011

~Celebrate The Small Stuff~

If you'd walked in my house at any point today, you would have seen the exact same me each and every time. 
Black tennis/running skirt on. Not because I'm a real runner or tennis player, but because I was determined to get on the treadmill today and it was one of the few things clean and not horribly wrinkled. My lime green, rather unattractive "gymnastics mom" t-shirt, and pony tailed hair. Books all over the counter top and table. A baby in my lap or at my feet.
It's 3:45 and I'm just finishing school with the kids. This should dispel any notion that any one of my three days of schooling at home are easy. It's the hardest thing I've ever done and yet the most fulfilling. Don't know how long we'll do it, but I'm so aware of the "rightness" of this decision for our family, at this moment. (Ask me tomorrow and who knows what I'll say. I've cried and laughed a LOT over the last couple weeks.)
Poor Brad. The first week, every day he walked in the door so cautiously and asked,
"Well. How ARE you? Good day? Bad day?"
I know he's thinking, please Lord, let it have been a good day 'cause I can't handle her falling apart and running off at the mouth about how we're all doomed to failure. laughing  On the bad days, I must say he handles it like a champ. Or I should say he handles me like a champ. Thankfully, the bad days are not as frequent as the good days! Progress, right?!
Which leads me to my point. 
Celebrate the small stuff!
I'm so thrilled I finally get to go take a shower! School is closed for the day. I feel satisfied after this day's work. I am officially in "love on my kids, laugh, and have fun" mode. We get to eat dinner together. Brad's not on least I don't think he is.confused  I'm not going to worry about tomorrow's test at school, because today is all we have. If school til 4:00 isn't enough to have a child prepped for a test, then oh well. It'll be alright. 


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