Thursday, May 26, 2011

~Odds and Ends~

Thursday, May 26, 2011

~Odds and Ends~

Listening to Avery explain this picture to Brad was priceless. His blue cape, big muscles, and goggles. He's her super hero. 

Last night, the girls walked through the den while American Idol was on. For whatever reason, they think James is cool. They stood mesmerized by the his performance and had this little conversation while they stood glued to the t.v.
Avery: "He is so awesome. I just love him. I want to marry him."
Reese: "Well, you probably can, 'cause I don't think he's married to anybody else."
A: "Does he live around here?"
R: "I don't know but as long as he's in America...."
A: "Well I'm going to find him and marry him."
R: "Avery, he has to ask you first."


 I was horrible to my skin this last weekend. I should know better than to let myself get burned but my back and shins got f.r.i.e.d. 


I've had lots of thoughts swirling around in my mind the last day or so.
I'm so thankful for Abby and Katie who caught my verbal vomit last night and this morning. (Sorry girls that you had to endure my blabbering but you're the best kind of friends kiss)
I'm thankful for a God who leads me back to His Word for truth. 
I'm thankful for parents who gave me a solid foundation and taught me to take my thoughts captive. 
I'm thankful for a husband who values my position in our home. 
I'm extra thankful for the reprieve of summer. 

This is the kids' comprised list of our summer "to-do" list.   I love it. winky


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