Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~Grace For Today and Faith For Tomorrow~

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Grace For Today and Faith For Tomorrow

What a beautiful morning it is. Spring is in full bloom, the sun is out and I just got off the treadmill. I hear birds chirping, the rumble of the lawn mower across the street, and surprisingly, a sound I don't hear is our dog barking. 

It's my little world and it's so easy to get lost in it. This is what it's looked like the past couple days:

Yesterday, one of the pretty canopies over the girls' beds got pulled down...again. So we had to make what I believe is the sixth hole in the ceiling. Hmm

I spent two hours on the phone yesterday morning, making reservations for our first real family vacation. A trip to a little place called Disney World. Where to eat, when to go to what park, where to stay, what shows to catch. It's a real hand wringer.  And heaven forbid you don't wake up a 6:58 to be one of the VERY first people to call and reserve lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table. Missing that would be a travesty. 

I spent the better part of the last two days suffocating in laundry and getting constant mini workouts running up and down stairs putting stuff away, changing wet sheets, and getting the baby up from naps. 

I shoved dinner down the kids throats at 5:15 yesterday in order to get to baseball on time. Get Emma up from a nap, buckle her in those ridiculously heavy carrier car seats, herd the other three in the car, get out of the neighborhood by 5 minutes and realize I forgot a bottle for the baby. So, I turned around, got it, and headed back. Pulled in the parking lot, I got her OUT of her seat and start to feed her (because she's starving at this point) and traipse through the pollen filled grass, kids in tow to find Jake's team. Wandered around the fields for 10 minutes, never finding them. Well, at least I didn't know I found them. Apparently, we walked right past them two or three times. Again, a little frustrating!   Deciding I must have had the wrong time or day, we loaded BACK in the the car to head home. 

I love almost everything about my  life and I believe it's important. I know it's what has been put in my hands to do. I also know that I don't have the grace to walk out anything that is more than what I'm currently experiencing. Nor am I supposed to. However, if I get so caught up in myme, and I, it's really easy to loose perspective.
Little things start to feel like big things. 
Looking outside myself, at what other people are living, not only makes me grateful, but it also presents an opportunity to see God's grace and mercy at work. 
His promise to be faithful is true. 
I've seen it. And I've experienced it.

"God never gives strength for tomorrow, or for the next hour, but only for the strain of the minute. The temptation is to face difficulties from a common sense standpoint. The saint is hilarious when he is crushed with difficulties because the thing is so ludicrously impossible to anyone but God." ~Oswald Chambers




 Reese cracks me up.  It was so bright she couldn't hold her eyes open but she was sure gonna' try. Then there's Jake, kissing Avery off the cuff. Make my heart melt.



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