Monday, July 20, 2009


Monday, July 20, 2009


Don't we all cringe a little when the news comes on? I do. I'm convinced the media in general, thrives on causing fear and dread. However, at times, I'm compelled to watch because I believe being  at least somewhat informed is the responsibility of the citizens of any nation. I believe in being willing to communicate your values, to fight for freedom, and take a stand for those things at the core of your being. I believe if we stray very far from our foundations, we will at some point cease to be a truly free country.  

I can get pretty fired up about things I see and hear in the "political realm". I find it incredibly frustrating to see things that make me feel like we are on the verge of imploding. "To fall apart from within"....."self destruct".

I've been mulling over a lot in recent days about the earthly vs. the eternal things of life. How do I strike that balance of caring about the state of mankind and still understand the eternal insignificance of physical hardships? 

How do I stand firm in "wrong is wrong" but not live in a constant state of irritation or anger at the lack of character and judgment that plagues so many people?

One beautiful evening I was standing on our back deck. The sky was amazing, a gentle breeze was blowing, and I couldn't help but be reminded how much bigger this picture is. God is not limited by what we see. He's not sitting up in heaven, wringing His hands over the  state of the world. (For someone who tends to take everything on herself, this is really good news! )

2 Thessalonians 2 talks about the second coming of Jesus. Paul talks about the man of lawlessness who opposes everything that is called God. He goes on to say,

"For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, 
whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming."

Stop. Read that again. All this stuff we see....the dishonesty, corruption, lying, secret ulterior motives, selfish agendas, sick desires for control and power, God is still ruling and reigning.     
Of course, we KNOW this, but do we really KNOW it?In the spiritual realm, He is standing between us and the one who desires nothing more than to destroy us. Our enemy is undoubtedly at work in this world but no more than Almighty God is allowing.  Imagine a dam with a few breaches, water spews out of a crack or two, but there stands a Warrior, bigger than the dam, keeping it in place. Fighting for us.  

"whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming."

So, here's the exciting thing about living in a depraved world. The thing that makes me different is my SOURCE. Where does my life come from? Who or what am I looking to to meet my needs? Am I looking to my money to make me secure? Am I looking to my great health care providers to take care of my body? Is my burglar alarm, dog, or gun keeping my safe? Is my big SUV the thing that I'm counting on to keep me alive in a wreck? 

WHO OR WHAT AM I DEPENDING ON TO COME THROUGH FOR ME?  When disaster hits, do I throw in the towel?  These are rather pointed questions I've been honestly asking myself lately. 

If I could choose a banner to be the story of my life, it would be the message in the following encounter. 

"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But EVEN IF HE DOES NOT, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
Daniel 3:16-18

What resolve....what resolution. How exciting it is to serve a God who is always able to deliver us. How awesome to be so changed by His love, that we are committed to bowing our knee to whatever He wills. 

I don't claim to have it all figured out, but my heart's prayer is that I would be faithful to Him just as He is perfectly faithful to me. 


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

~Tuesday Morning~

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

~Tuesday Morning~

So I recently read a gal's blog that suggested instead of writing a "to-do" list, write a "did" list. Today, mine definitely would not look good but I'm posting it anyway. I sure had fun. 

4:00a.m. woke up to our insane dog barking. got up to let him out. shook my head all the way back to bed.  OH. and I had a bowl of cereal. not the healthiest time to eat.6:00a.m.ish woke up again as a thumb sucking 3 year old decided my bed is way better. 
7:45 got up mainly because three kids were begging me to. 

gave them breakfast
ate something myself
quick fb check
unloaded/loaded dishwasher
tidied up the house
folded clothes from the dryer/cycled one load through
made my bed
showered and dressed
got swim stuff together10:30 Beth and her sweet girls arrived. YAY!
gave a quick house tour then off to the pool11:00-1:30 swim, eat, and visit AND walked a three year old back to the house to change suits. (accidents sometimes happen)
1:40-4:00 swim and visit morefixed kids a REALLY early, REALLY easy supper
ate a salad....and a Reese's Cup with a BIG glass of milk (maybe I should make "what I ate" lists instead)here it is, 6:30. kids are getting pajamas on. Jake's are race car and the girl's are a little tacky but lovely princess gowns. (you know...the ones with life size Ariel, Aurora or Bell plastered on the front)
my evening? kids are going to bed soon....they're exhausted. Then I will hopefully post this, straighten up the kitchen and then stop for the night. 

The Thumb Goes In, The Belly Button Must Be Found.

Real friends are one of life's biggest blessings and Beth has been mine since we were itty bitty kids. She brought a housewarming gift. It's beautiful and she's talented. 

One of my very favorite things at the moment....


The colors are fun and they save so much space. 

Just a little bit of my Tuesday.


Friday, July 10, 2009

~My Own Little Parenting Dilemma~

Friday, July 10, 2009

~My Own Little Parenting Dilemma~

Yesterday evening, I caught a portion of two shows that are complete polar opposites. One, entitled, "17 Kids and Counting", as you probably know, profiles a home school family with values very similar to ones I was taught at home.  The other, "16 and Pregnant" obviously, is about young, single girls having babies. 

Several things struck me as I was blinded by these contrasting life experiences. The first thing I pondered was, "How does God see these two vastly different situations?".    Sometimes I wonder if we have even a clue as to how Jesus would not only respond but how he  FEELS...what His perspective is on such different human plights.  Does it bother Him as much as it bothers us? He's not limited by human failures. He doesn't choose His vessels based on track records.  

Dear ole' David. Adultery, murder.....hmmm.  Peter DENIED even knowing Jesus. Talk about shame, guilt, and being sure you just bought a one way ticket straight to Hades!  Saul became Paul.  God told Hosea to marry Gomer, an adulterous woman. 

How many times have we heard,
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Sam. 16:7b

Or in Galatians, Paul says, "As for those who seemed to be important-whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance-"

The HEART. All this external stuff we see with our eyes is just a manifestation of the condition of the heart.... which is what He is after!  Broken, hurting people don't know they were created with a purpose and are loved deeply by their Creator. 
Of course we know this, right?! We've heard it a million times but has it really registered? 

THE OBVIOUS: The Bible is full of admonitions to fear the Lord, honor your father and mother, be diligent, seek the Lord, etc. Godly principles are crucial. Making right choices means you reap huge dividends even here on earth. No doubt there's a way God designed us to live to bring honor to Himself and benefit us!

As a parent, my single greatest burning desire for my kids is that they would be HIS. That God would reveal Himself to them and that they would respond to Him. The question I constantly ask myself is what is the connection between training your children and God capturing their hearts? How much is in my control and exactly what is my responsibility?  If I do "A" and "B" and don't get "C" as my result, am I a failure as a parent?  


There are a million decisions to be made regarding our children. Public, private, or home school? Will they be allowed to date or "encouraged" to court? What movies are appropriate? Should we move to the middle of "No-wheresville" and be their sole influence up to a certain age? Or should we give them a solid foundation, spend time with them playing, teach them truth while letting them immediately, gradually be exposed to real life? 

See, I've personally known people from various upbringings, where very different decisions were made regarding what they were allowed and not allowed to do, who all love God with all their hearts and are completely sold out to Him.
(Which says to me, "THERE'S NO FORMULA!") Darn it!!! 


So, I'm back to their little, precious hearts.  A very wise woman once spoke on God's heart in child rearing. The one thing she said that I think about at least weekly is, 
"Rear your children in God's presence." (She spoke of Samuel growing up in the temple under Eli's guardianship- I Samuel.)  Let them see you seek the Lord, turning to Him in every situation. Have a transparent walk with them. Practice humility. Admit wrong, be willing to apologize.

 This is my only hope. I certainly won't do it all right but I can pray for them. 
I can learn in humility as I go.

I can daily refuse fear
I can tell them the truth and provide boundaries as led that will facilitate their learning to make wise choices. 
I can respond in love and grace when they mess up and even humiliate me. Whether they are four and practically yell across a church, "Is it that big, fat girl?!", or if they are sixteen and throw a horrid party at my house when I'm out of town.  (may it never be!! 


So, today, I'm deciding to TRUST my children and their "outcome" to Him. He is big enough to lead us in the decisions we make. My kids must decide what Master they will serve. Yes, I am a mother, but even that is not what defines me. I am a child of the King designed for a relationship with Him! 


Okay, seriously, I am determined to post a really breezy, lighthearted  blog next time!!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

~An Unedited Weekend~

Sunday, July 05, 2009

An Unedited Weekend


We spent the holiday weekend with my parents at their little "getaway" spot. The weather was amazing....even a little bit cool.....which is very strange for this part of the country. It was nice having Brad with us for the weekend. For a brief moment, due to car trouble, we thought he wouldn't make it. BUT...where there's a will, there's a way!

Somewhere in the weekend, after a few conversations about some people's fear of commitment, disillusionment in how children "turn out", or the ever climbing divorce rate, I started thinking about ....expectations.

I thought about various things I've read about our beloved World War II generation. Guys that had spent years away from home, fighting a war on behalf of their nation and the people they loved, just wanted to survive. Many of them didn't expect to live, but if they should make it, they wanted nothing more than to get back home, marry their sweethearts, get a job, and live.  Drive a cab, work in their parents store, go to school.     ~Breathing was a blessing~  

Somewhere along the way, we began to hope for, and even expect perfection from ourselves and those around us.

I started thinking about photography and how it's no longer enough to simply document the faces and places of a moment in time.   It must be edited, beautified, cropped, softened, and perfected.  It's got to look better than it actually is! 

(I'm NOT knocking editing!! I love it and will be doing it tomorrow. Photography is an art form and I believe God created and loves beautiful things....I think it honors Him when we use our tools and talents for creative expression.) .......just go with me on this for a moment and hear my heart.  

I thought about my grandmother's few cherished photographs. You do well to find one where everyone is smiling.  I thought about my parents wedding album and how much I love it. It was 1970. There were no frills, no "beautification" that happened in the photo development! But it's a treasure to me because of the people and time it represents.

Even our homes have become showplaces. Heaven forbid there be a basket of unfolded clothes on the sofa when someone drops by. dare the laundry room actually LOOK like a laundry room. The purpose of a house used to be to meet the need of shelter.  Our homes should be places of warmth, acceptance, and hospitality.
A safe haven.  (And if you can squeeze in some beauty here and there , then marvelous! Just don't make it the main ingredient.)

My challenge is this. Enjoy life for what it is.   LIFE.  

Accept the beautiful and the not so beautiful. The smooth rides and the bumps. Every  person, no matter how horribly imperfect they might seem has immense worth for reasons we can't see with our physical eyes.

Okay. That was a really long way to explain why this is a post filled with unedited photos from this weekend!  Some of them are a little out of focus and have crying children in them, but I LOVE them because of how much fun we were having when they were taken. Sometimes raw best captures reality.  

I love my Daddy's hands. Always have.



And After.....

That was NOT fun as far as she was concerned!

Dodge Ball is one their favorites. 


Here's to FREEDOM in every way, shape, and form!