Friday, May 1, 2015


World of Coke. A fun place to go once.
tasting coke from around the world is interesting...
maybe it's just me, but Beverly, from wherever it was, wasn't that bad.
Heather told me I would gag if I tasted it….but I was almost a fan.
this makes me weird, I know.

animal rights activist, avert you eyes
the man i married shoots turkeys from time to time
we eat them, so don't judge too harshly
kids, young and old, sisters, brothers, or friends, like to play with the bits
tendons are pulled, and claws move
anatomy 101
and the beard….the longer the beard, the older, wiser, and more awesome the bird. *sigh

catching her mid-sentence is a treat
she's a witty one
older than she is

wait for it…..
she is graduating to "flyer"
this is big
huge, really

i love her
me and my crow's feet

this picture restored my faith in humanity
good people are everywhere
thank GOD for good men
willing to stand in the gap
to do the right thing
to be leaders
i love these kind of men

my fair skinned, fluffy baby sun bathing while watching brother get it on a wake board
thank you, Jesus, for spring time

here he is
getting better every day

he is handsome
and so incredibly good hearted

and this
so sad
this is her fevered face when i told her she could not go to
what would have been her first sleepover
sick babies can't go away for the night
silent, shaking tears are the worst
i got her a barbie
because i could hardly stand it

As Jeremy would say, "if I'm lying, I'm dying"...
I really don't put much value in the easy, the natural, the innate.
I am excited by natural talent,
by God given smartness or ability
but I don't come out of my seat over that kind of stuff.
I leap with tears in my eyes over victory that comes from struggle.
My heart skips a beat at the chance to live out and explain to my five year old that 
we can be okay with any disappointment.
I smile when I can tell my child,
"Okay, so you aren't in the "cool group" in that class? Then make "your group" the group you WANT to be with. Embrace it. Embrace them. Bloom where you're planted. Be light and salt right where you are. God honors obedience. A heart of compassion GETS YOU PLACES." 
The struggle is where it's at.
don't be afraid of it.
don't run from it.
that's where growth comes 
and that's where you can SHINE if you choose to.



1 comment:

  1. such good good words. i always appreciate your heart and leave your blog page feeling challenged. there should be lots of growth happening in this household, because i kid you not, the struggle w/ my three year old is constant and so very real!
