Friday, July 25, 2014


Oddly enough, one of the parts of motherhood that I love the most is….

Being able to take care of them when they're sick.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like viruses, colds, or flus, quite the contrary. 

I just get incredibly grateful that I'm able to be here, holding hair back, checking fevers, and letting them know they'll be okay. I know there are bigger, harder things going on in the world  so I refuse to sweat the small stuff.

When this one woke up this morning, digestion going wrong, I was hoping she wouldn't remember what she was missing as a result.

No such luck.

"Mommy, I fink I am going to be late for ballet."

I grimaced, knowing what a big deal this day was for her four year old self.

"Baby, you can't go to ballet today because your sick. I'm sorry."

Tears the size of Rhode Island followed and then the worst part...

"But can I do my recital today?" (The performance was to be the high point of the entire week for the little tutu clad, bun wearing covered in pink girlies. All she has talked about since the start of the week)

"No, darlin'. I'm so sorry."

Then there was silent crying (which is the worst) and more huge tears, that this Mama couldn't bear so I immediately go for the materialistic, "let me buy you something to distract you because otherwise I'm going to cry too" approach. 

"Lambie" is something I've said no to in the past. And thank goodness for it.

She was the perfect consolation.

my sweet husband is hard at work,
my sweet Mom is taking my big girls to chickfila and swimming,
and my sweet Daddy is in the basement, hammering away, building me a table, and teaching Jake a little about wood working.

Thankful for my blessings this Friday.
But I agree with E's sentiment, and I quote:
"this is disgusting" 
bless her sweet heart.

Have a wonderful, weekend. 
Be a blessing to the people you encounter!

1 comment:

  1. Parent to parent, and cousin to cousin, I'm right there with you, Stacey. I'd rather somebody punch me in the gut than have one of my girls not feeling well. Ironically, as I read of your little angel's woes and tears, mine is having a hard weekend fighting migraines. I envy your situation in one way; you're their. I'm almost 200 miles away. Prayer is my only weapon. When you only have one, it's good to know it's the most powerful of all. God bless all of you.
